Mediterranean docked
And then there is Theoderic’s tomb. Built just outside the city walls of Ravenna, close to the harbor where ships from Constantinople and elsewhere...
150 letters from Theoderic’s time
Yet we have nearly 150 letters from Theoderic’s time that profess to be from his own hand, and come at least from the hands...
Fiftyfive years old
“Just how ill is my father?” Constantine asked the secretary when they were outside the room.Eumenius gave him a quick, appraising glance. “He had...
Your regular commanders
“Cross over to Britain with you and help subdue the Piets.” “As my secondincommand? You’ve been kept from your just dues long enough.”Constantine knew...
Be enough Augustus
“You were right to ask, Augustus.” Adrian forced his voice under control. “After three days in the hands of the Praetorians, my niece threw...
Account of Maxentius
Dacius came in and wiped the sweat from his forehead with his forearm, although the air outside was not warm. “Well, she’s safely out...
The householders in Constantinople
Such were the constant afflictions of mankind under the rule of Justinian and Theodora; for there was no release from war or any other...
Huns and barbarous Saracens
For Cabades retired after doing hardly any damage to the buildings, but Chosroes burned to the foundations everything he took, and left greater ruin...
HOW LANDOWNERS WERE RUINEDI will now tell how he ruined the landowners everywhere; although it were a sufficient indication of their sufferings to refer...
Proclus the Quaestor
Justinian, unexpectedly restored to health, straightway undertook to put Theodotus to death as a poisoner and a magician. But since he had no proof...