Came back to Constantinople
Later, she followed Hecebolus, a Tyrian who had been made governor of Pentapolis, serving him in the basest of ways; but finally she quarreled...
Mounted the projecting corner
On the field of pleasure she was never defeated. Often she would go picnicking with ten young men or more, in the flower of...
My family through Theodora
“You were so busy telling me you were going to marry me and become Augusta that I never had a chance,” he retorted. What...
Fausta demanded angrily
Dacius took a quick look at her and reached for his helmet. “I’ll maintain a guard outside,” he said. “In the name of Jupiter,...
Articular emperor aspired
These latter added their own quota of evil as fuel to the general conflagration fired by their ruler, and the result was nothing but...
Our Lady’s kindnesses in the past
When the emperor saw this beautiful sight (he was particularly reverent in his veneration for this ikon) he immediately took heart, and holding it...
Look their enemies in the eye
Here were those same men, who had brought a continent to terms, who in their preparations for war and in their military dispositions had...